It left me speechless
26 March 2023
The Human Voice, dir Pedro Aldomover & starring Tilda Swinton. I think I've only ever seen one film by Pedro A , can't say what the film was other than it didn't leave any sort of impression on me, never being compelled to watch anymore films by him. I put this film on Netflix purely because it was a 20 minute short and might be a decent film whilst I was having my dinner. I was wrong, it's shocking! Swinton plays a woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown (hahaha) whose partner has left her and the dog, and she is slowly going crazy. It's a one woman tour de force for Swinton It's still dull though. Luckily it didn't distract from my dinner which was an expertly made cheese omelette sandwich. The key to good cheese omelette, use a nice strong cheese but don't over do it. The term less is more applies to a cheese omelette but sadly not to this film. 3/10 for the movie , 9/10 for my sandwich.
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