13 March 2023
Half the fun is in Buster showing off the modern innovations he's put into a wealthy man's house, and the other half is when they go haywire. The bathtub the moves into the master bedroom at a flip of the switch and the automatic racking contraption at the pool table had me chuckling. Speaking of which, Buster's prowess at pool was as impressive as always, and that was before he got up onto the table using a mangled cue like a golf club. There are lots of clever gags and gadgets here, and great physicality from Buster, especially on the escalator/staircase that he broke his ankle on a couple of years earlier trying to make this film. We even get some dark comedy - Buster trying to electrocute his nemesis, and later trying to commit suicide. Just a fantastic short, very enjoyable. Wish I could have identified his father, mother, and sister, who were supposed to have appeared though.
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