Review of Catfish UK

Catfish UK (2021– )
Catfish on a wee island that isn't as judgemental as the USofA is interesting- Nella needs to stop pulling faces
9 March 2023
So obvs its staged and scripted, its a reality TV show so surely in 2023 no-one is silly enough to think its unedited and unproduced, so those critiques are a bit weird. Its defo different to the US version, tis a very small country, and even the continent (and further afield) are only a short trip away compared to the states. Also the UK is less judgmental than the USA so people are much less likely to catfish here as a result of gender, sexuality, race or (one of the USA's biggest issues) obesity. This means the stories are widely different to those in the states, but this isn't necessarily a problem, as it just exposes a different cultural situation, but it is down to producers to find interesting people and diverse stories, and they need to keep working on this. Most recent season has shown they're struggling as a number of the subjects needing help have been MTV 'stars' and/or social media pseudo-slebs so.... The main problem with the show is the female hosts sitch. Oobah is alright as a host and has experience of how manipulation can happen online so he's a good choice. As for the female hosts, Julie and then Nella. Clearly MTV have realised they've gotta do summit about representation so are like, quick find a black woman as that's the 'opposite' of Oobah. Julie obvs got the job coz of who she's related to.... so OK, MTV there's music link and maybe she could have developed some skills.

Then we get Nella. Nella Nella Nella... she got her career from posting online so presume MTV thought twas a good fit, but she needs to stop with the 'youtube reactor open-mouthed-with-shock face pulling' act - its beyond fake, utterly annoying and completely embarrassing for all involved (you can feel Oobah cringe through the screen!) Nella stop it, authenticity is the way to go.

Oh and both the usual hosts could do with a wee bit more empathy thrown in, which includes telling off those that need it and boosting the self esteem of those that've been had... that Nathan fella from Geordie Shore who sits in when the girls are away is better, he actually seems to give an eff when someone is hurt.
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