A Holiday Spectacular (2022 TV Movie)
The revisionist history was inexcusable, but the movie was, in all other respects, quite wonderful. Lots of Happy Tears.
19 February 2023
I thought this was a very well written and well acted period piece with impressive vintage sets, wardrobes, and hairstyles. And it was great to see former dancer Ann Margaret playing a former dancer. She was quite a big star in the 60s and once dated Elvis Presley. But, as others have noted, there were no women of color in the Rockettes in 1958. I applaud Hallmark's ongoing efforts to be more inclusive and diverse, but they shouldn't ignore historical reality.

Nevertheless, the movie seemed to otherwise capture the look and feel of the 50s. At one point, Maggie's mother says: "your father and I really don't like you wearing pants... and now you're parading around New York like some kind of beatnik." Ginna Claire Mason was wonderful as rich girl Maggie. And she had good chemistry with Derek Klena (as John). He seems like he'd be a great leading man to add to Hallmark's roster.

There's a lot to like in this movie. In so many other Hallmark movies, the main character's best friend serves no purpose other than to be the main character's cheerleader and confidante. But here, Sofia (really well played with spice by Sara Gallo) is a fleshed out character with her own life.

I also liked the photo of Maggie expressing pure joy in New York. Despite having a life others envy, she's less than fulfilled at home and understandably wants to follow her own path. I enjoyed watching her bravery during a time when women weren't exactly encouraged to follow their dreams. But I also found her deceit (and her uncertainty about what to do) realistic given the times.

Today, having a friend say "you don't have to marry someone you don't love" would be weird because duh, of course not. But back then, someone like Maggie really needed that advice. Maxwell wasn't a bad guy, but a guy who says "I don't believe true love exists at all" shouldn't be getting married.

The Big Scene in the restaurant is very well done. And I loved Maggie's announcement on the street afterwards. But I thought the response was ... unfair.

I grade Hallmark on a curve and I would normally give this a 10 but I was really annoyed by the fake history.
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