Low budget, but with skill other films with 7 figure budgets would do well to have.
6 February 2023
I appreciate film makers who do a lot with a little. With a budget under $10,000 there was some craft here that million dollar films would have done well to have.

Nothing here will blow your mind, but it's not trying to. It's a well worn but well tested formula that's done well.

The lead has just enough charisma to pull off the 'annoying you-tuber/wannna-be actor' without actually being extremely annoying. That's a tough balance, and he does it suprisingly well. No one in the small cast is asked to deliver stuff they can't.

Likewise with the creature effects - they are simple but done well and they aren't afraid to lean into it. Others might have made the choice to have lots more jittery camera movement to cover up the lack of CG power behind the creature. That would have been the wrong move in this case, and I'm glad they stuck with their vision.

I do enjoy the format, and this was a really solid outing, - an hour and a half I feel like I got something out of it.

If you like the mockumentary/found footage format or just want something that will pass 90 minutes enjoyably this is worth your time. Indie horror folks, likewise.
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