Animal Farm (1954)
War, Death and Totalitarian regime.
16 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Recently I watched a critically acclaimed movie directed by John Stephenson and written by Alan Janes. Based on the 1945 novel of the same name by George Orwell, Animal Farm. The movie begins by showing a farm full of animals and how they are all mistreated and abused by the farm owner, Mr. Jones. The owner, Mister Jones, had found a liking for alcohol and left the farm in a miserable state as he was not taking care of it. Perhaps not feeding the animals and only using them for their products and the monetary worth he can get out of them. One night the oldest pig on the farm had made a speech addressing the farm animals about their current situation and how they should fight for their rights, making the animals hope and fight for equality and a better future. The morning after, when the animals started getting hungry and feeling neglected as always, they decided it was time to fight back and proceeded to break down the farm shop's doors to eat the crops within the farm shop. Alarmed, Mr. Jones had taken a whip to defend his crops, trying to scare them away, but they collectively fought him off. The animals had made Mr. Jones flee from his farm, they started jumping around with joy in celebration. Now the farm is under the animal control they made new regulations to ensure safety of the farm, to make sure the animals all are equal. But as time went on, and the animal farm grew, the pigs had gained more control, slowly but surely changing the rules, and then becoming like previous owners, making the farm animals feel neglected and used again.

The film made me think about power and how in the wrong hand, someone would use power selfishly and for their own gain. Perhaps how in the film, Mr. Jones and pig Napoleon, had both used their power selfishly, using the farm's occupants for their own selfish reasons, selling what they could to lift themselves out of poverty, whilst the animals on the farm worked tirelessly and were treated horribly yet remaining poor. This movie brings to mind current situations in the world, like what is happening in North Korea where one man has all the power and controls what happens within, leaving the average citizen to suffer in poverty whilst he can sit on his 'golden throne'.

I feel as if we can take this story and apply it to everyone's lives like many of George Orwell's works, where if power is not distributed effectively and the wrong misguided individual gains power they can make life intolerable for those around them. This doesn't only apply to massive roles such as a president or prime minister but can also apply to smaller roles such as a manager in a business.

In turn I enjoyed this movie as it made me think about the power struggles of the world and how they can be compared to the movie, and how these power struggles often follow the same path in the movie. Where one group does not like the rule of another and takes over just to become as equally bad as the previous group. I recommend watching the movie, it is an excellent thought provoking experience.
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