Loved the concept and overall a solid movie
14 December 2022
Christmas 2022 day 13. A movie I expected absolutely nothing from and therefore became delighted by it. It tried to make a new and interesting idea and I think it succeeded.

Arthur Christmas is a wonderful movie. It´s always so nice to see a Christmas movie trying to be something different from the rest, without diverging too far from common ideas. This movie succeeded in this and became a Christmas movie I think works on may levels. I think it´s a fun kids movie and didn't try to be much more than that.

Arthur is the son of Santa and helps in the mailroom. On the north pole, Christmas is a business and the Christmas family has taken care of it for many years. This Christmas, the Santa operation forgets one kids presents. While the rest of the Christmas family don't really care about the one missing present, Arthur dose.

The animation wasn't for me in this movie. I found it rather ugly and off-putting. Everyone looks a bit too weird, and the motions don't always look the best.

The concept of this movie however is amazing. I love when Christmas movies try to do something I haven't seen before, and this movie delivers. The idea of Christmas being a huge operation, that Santa is a lot of people and a family and how Christmas had to be modernized in order to keep up with technology is such a fun and creative idea.

The humor in the movie is actually good. It landed some unexpected jokes and gags. The humor is both for adults and kids alike and there were things in here I did not expect a kids movie to reference like the Cuban missile crisis. While it still it´s first and foremost a kids movie and the humor can be kidish, I didn't fin the movie obnoxious too many times.

The voice acting is solid. The cast is doing a great job with what they are given. Some characters are invested more time into than others, and to really elevate this movie, it needed more character development. While the characters are caricaturist and simple, they work for the story. Santa is the old boss who is loosing touch, Arthur is a treasure and happy about everything, grandsanta is the old ways and Arthurs brother Steve is the new ways. It works for the story and moral but the characters just needed that little more time in order to really shine.

In general, I love the beginning of this movie. Lost interest throughout the middle and then it picks itself up. To see a modern Christmas being executed by a million elves and Santa is so fun and creative. All the gadgets, mission impossible style acrobatics, all so fun and well done. I really loved the worldbuilding and got so invested by the characters and lore. I found the family dynamic good and interesting for clear set ups for problems. The movie began to lose me towards the middle where Arthur and his grandpa is just flying around. The movie pics up again towards the climax, although the movie adds too many aspects going on at the same time. Meltdown and alien thing was too much.

I loved the concept as said and what it tried to say about Christmas. In the movie we have an older Santa who thinks Christmas should be done the old ways. A current Santa who has lost control of his company and his son Steve who has optimized Christmas to a modern standard. While none of them are wrong, their worldviews aren't really about Christmas, but themselves. They all think they can do Christmas the best, but Arthur is the one who knows Christmas is not about proving yourself but making other people happy. The drama between them and the conclusion is great about joining the old and new ways while focusing what its actually about. Christmas isn't about perfections or results, it´s about making everyone happy.

Arthur Christmas took me by surprise and delivered a solid good movie. It´s fun, entertaining and it´s story is executed so well. Seeing Christmas movies doing something different is always nice, and the world seemed so well written. Peter Baynham and Sarah Smith both did a great job creating this lore and story. While it´s not perfect, dragging at times, not looking the best and needing more character, it´s still a highly entertaining movie I´ll gladly watch again.
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