Review of Violated

Violated (1953)
Good setting, but that's about it
21 November 2022
Low-budget flick, filmed in NYC, about a photographer who kills women and cuts off locks of their hair. Producer William Holland plays the photographer, and screenwriter William Mishkin (I know, these are real household names) has a bit. An exotic dancer named Lili Dawn plays one of the victims. She's not bad looking if you can imagine Hedy Lamarr with about twenty more pounds on her. The musical score consists of a guitar played by Tony Mottola.

Except for the 1950s view of the city, this film doesn't have much to offer. The acting is pretty bad, and the dialogue is worse. As the film's shrink explains, "the human mind is a vast domain. When its door is unhinged it's open to an endless variety of queer happenings." Like this movie.
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