Unoriginal, slow, lacking any horror.
4 November 2022
Not sure how this got Guillermo's approval.

This is without a doubt the worst episode.

The story is a trope. "couple with grief problems stays at creepy ghost house. " We've seen this story ad nauseum.

It's horrendously slow. You can see Andrew Lincoln doing everything he can to reanimate this stone dead episode. But to no avail.

The other supporting actors are just .. flat out.... awful.

And it all leads up to this ghost encounter, that again, tropes its way through. And suddenly everything is A-OK at the end.

There's just no danger in this episode. There's no horror. There's nothing original here. It's like the writer and director collectively decided to sacrifice anything potentially interesting, just to make something entirely uninteresting and predictable.

I hope GDT does a better job of vetting episodes like this out if there's another season.

They should have had The Autopsy or one of the Lovecraft episodes be the finale episode.

This was like watching paint dry.
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