The Punisher (2017–2019)
Really good when it wants to be
4 November 2022
Season 1 - 8/10 Season 2 - 7/10

Punisher is solid. It's probably the second-best Netflix Marvel show behind Daredevil. The first half of season 1 is okay but it becomes really great in the last few episodes, and season 2 has the opposite problem, where the first half Is excellent but the second half drags, although the last few episodes get a bit better. Jon Bernthal is perfect as Frank Castle. In fact, this entire Marvel TV show universe has great casting across the board. The action is pretty bad at the beginning of season 1 but gets much better as the series continues. It never entirely becomes Daredevil levels of awesome, but it is really good in its own right. But I think the biggest thing holding this show back is the fact that the Punisher stuff in Daredevil season 2 really should have been its own series. Removing Punisher from Daredevil season 2 could have fixed a lot of the problems with it and made it a more focused story. There could have been one season of Punisher containing the stuff from Daredevil, including the trial, and then season 2 could have been Punisher properly avenging his family. This is probably the best adaptation of the Punisher so far, and I have no faith that Disney will do the character justice, so I'd say give this a watch if you're a fan of the comics. Watch it in between Daredevil seasons 2 and 3. Season 2 of Punisher technically takes place after season 3 of Daredevil, but neither show has any impact on the other, and Daredevil season 3 works as a really great finale for the Netflix Marvel shows.
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