Review of My Name

My Name (2021)
A bloody good time
23 October 2022
I liked this so very much. Not because I'm a fan of mob movies. Not because I like gore, in fact, I generally shy away from blood and excessive violence.

But this series' story was so compelling, well done, and scripted, that I was sucked in. Especially, since it avoids the failings of so many other Korean series out there. Namely:

1. It moves along with regular speed, avoiding unnecessary plot deviations or slow-downs that plague other dramas. And it avoids flash forwards that gloss over events simply because the writers are too lazy to figure out how to work them into the plot.

2. The escape scenes are plausible. I wouldn't say probable, but in most of them, it is plausible that the bad guy (or good guy) can get away. Unlike A Wonderful Sight (Inspector Koo) with its buffoonery antics of folks slipping and falling like every surface in Korea was made of banana peels.

3. And no reliance on improbable chance encounters or events to move the plot along. I did deduct one point for a scene (you'll know which one), that if it doesn't happen, the last episode and a half become impossible.

Well acted. Actually VERY well acted! With superb fight scenes that don't rely on inhuman strength in a female character. Rather her skill, speed, agility, and wits cause her to be an arse-kicking machine.

Great show. Must watch.
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