Over exaggerated Glorified Baskethoopers
19 October 2022
This review has been written on Octo 19 2022.

Please check out my review for the Last Dance. I'm a prolific reviewer. Press F3 and shift then type my name to find my name.

Who remembers the classic movie Rudy where the janitor states to Rudy that there are "greater tragedies in the world".

People caught feelings over a silly game because a team didn't play well. Who cares...

Years later people still catch feeling for a silly r*gged game.

It's just a group of people talking about playing baskethoops and to idolize and worship the Kobe Bryant fella who may or likely is still roaming about.

This is worse than actually watching these silly baskethoop games.

It's just people rambling about the U SA baskethoops team and teams. They consistently bring up the Dream Team led by Magic, Bird, Karl and Lattner

Oh they won gold... Yeah they won gold. YOU Didn't. Who cares... (It's not actual 100% gold. Technically they still won silver.)

This is a pure waste of time.

Oh yeah Wilt Chamberlain is the best Baskethoops player of alltime in my opinion. It's all subjective.
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