17 October 2022
I was really looking forward to seeing this based upon what I had heard since I really liked the original. But so far, and I've now seen 5 episodes, I find the whole thing very disappointing. A lot of women reviewers are raving about Benthal's great looks, but as a gay man who can appreciate a good looking dude, I find that he has a great body, but with the face to protect it. He reminds me of Little Ricky on the old I Love Lucy show! Somehow he isn't sexy enough for my tastes. And Gretchen Moll is even worse. Her acting seems to consist of strange twitches and grimaces. Plus, for an hour long show (supposedly), it takes 15 minutes to roll the initial credits, and then the episode is over 30 minutes later. I think the writers are having a hard time making this whole mess work.

I would definitely recommend skipping this one.
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