An inspirational movie with great taste of music
10 October 2022
The story revolves around a couple of teens and their journey to adulthood. It's hard to review without spoiling but the movie is very relevant today with the issues it tackles and how we are all struggling to fight our own battles, and you can't judge anyone.

The casting in this film is perfect, every actor is what you think they really are in real life. The choice of music is insane, this film will absolutely make your head bop and feel the emotions the director portrays in every scene. The acting is superb! I really felt bad about the characters and their background stories, and then with the music, feel good again. The phasing of the film is great, there are no fillers and unnecessary scenes lengthening the movie. The directors also tied up the "ships" we liked to see and you know how satisfying that is. They did a great job closing this film and not just tying up loose ends but correctly tying up the stories.

I recommend this movie to all teens struggling in life, and going through tough times, and to teachers who would like to show their students a good film that could potentially change their life.
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