Bland film with flat direction and lead
19 September 2022
You get the impression from very the first scene that the dialogue is supposed to zing back and forth, but there is no rhythm to the scene or the performances and it all just falls flat.

It feels like everyone is making a first read through of the script rather than a performance. This is pretty much how the whole film feels. The direction and editing just give no 'go' to the film and so it plods along like a dull police procedural. I was surprised when I looked at imdb that this wasn't the directors first film - it feels like it was made by someone who hasn't found his feet.

I saw the first Fletch film way back when and while I was never a massive Chevy Chase fan he clearly brought a lot to the role. Jon Hamm meanwhile just doesn't give off any charm or energy at all in any of the scenes and so it makes no sense how people react to him. He feels a bit old for the role too compared to the rest of the cast, as far as it goes.

The locations and lighting are great throughout, the cinematography is fine at times, at other it feels a bit bland too.

Overall I just found nothing really entertaining in the film. Its not a comedy, its has no drama and theres no chemistry between any of the actors.
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