Rotted To The Core
7 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Originally released in 1969?

'Night of Bloody Horror?' The murders happen over a span of a week! What "night" of murder? And where's the long-haired monkey that's on the DVD cover in the movie? That thing never appeared once!

I hope this isn't in the same vein as 64's 'Two Thousand Maniacs!' or 'Invasion of The Blood Farmers?' Listen to these sound effects as the start credits roll. It sounds like that Popcorn song popped a few tabs of LSD and forgot the lyrics to the actual song written and hallucinated to instrumental only.

Why does this movie look green?

Remember Wayne Arnold in that Christmas episode of 'The Wonder Years' about the colored TV? "If we put on sunglasses, we could watch this in black & green."

The opening scene reveals that the writers of the film didn't have a clue what they were doing and provided no lines for the actors. Some hooker and what looks like either Richard Speck, or George McFly, mumbles some lines which are incoherent. He lasts for about five seconds in the sack before the tube's deflated, leaving him angry and incompetent. Or impotent, take your pick.

An 'Exorcist 3' priest stabs the red-light district worker in the eye with a knitting needle after she confesses her sordid lust for flesh to him.

This movie wasn't released by whoever the hell distributed it, it escaped from a disease control facility marked "Never to be released!" I haven't got a clue what the basic plot is. Heaven help me. Pass me a compass.

Early in the movie when they speak, their mouths are out of sync and their lines delayed by about half a second. Even when some thugs punch George McFly the packing sounds come after the fists hit his face.

The Son of Sam, code name Alice, dwells in The Blue Oyster bar and flirts with McFly as he's flashing wads of money around in gay abandon and is then followed out the door and beaten up by Berkowitz. Liza Minnelli happens to stroll along and steals George McFly himsel -

Now what in the hell is this scene at the 21:37-minute mark? Happy snaps? Still polaroid's? Oh, Jeffrey Dahmer would be proud of you, movie.

And what's with the elevator mall music?

Some of the actors are hideous looking and resemble the offspring of either, Igor, Olga, or Frankenstein.

McFly keeps astral traveling through his third eye and unfortunately remains in the 60's dimension and goes nowhere fast. In an attempt to see other realms he gets scared and is automatically pulled back into his body and is then arrested for murder. Once back at the station, Roy Orbison and Berkowitz, grill him hard and try to beat a confession out of him but he's released without charge because in his mind he's back in Carolina watching The Panthers get beat as I don't think Baker Mayfield will make much of a difference this season.

At the 37-minute mark an Atomic bomb is dropped as a band called 'Bored' jams while the fallout blurs the colors of the screen, which puts a strain on your eyes. This band think they're Led Zeppelin. Look, is that Frank Zappa on drums?

McFly goes berserk in the bomb shelter and bashes up the club owner after he's accused of being a suspected murderer in another time zone.

Don't forget to wear your explosives vests when watching this, people, as it's edge of your seat a minute stuff that puts you in the mood to do X-games and other fast paced activities.

Agatha's teeth in this look like 'The Bridge on the River Kwai' only minus a few planks.

Is that Robert Z'Dar?

'Ole Aggie's mouth looks like she's been eating a bag of licorice laced with charcoal and if I'm not mistaken she just slept with her own son and is strangled in the process by him? This guy thinks he's Jimmy Dean at times.

I think one would be better off watching 'The Love Butcher' or 1981's 'Nightmare' over this.

Is that Amy Winehouse? Either way, the one sporting the active beehive on her bonce is captured and terrorized in Ed Gein's farmhouse and it turns out that the one with the corrupted teeth is the killer, not George McFly, who's been strung along all movie.

Didn't 'ole Licorice Teeth get killed only a few scenes back?

Either way, two mob bosses pump her full of holes, as she forgot to pay protection money, and she dies hard a second time and reveals her asphalt tarred teeth one last time with a grimaced pained look on her face. The dead corpses have better looking teeth than 'ole Aggie. I hope in the afterlife she's afforded a better set of chompers.

Joey from 'The Wanderers' screams, "Mooooother," at the end... and... cut!

Film's a wrap.

Let's go edit this masterpiece, promote it, and circulate it, and we got ourselves a little breadwinner on our hands here said the director.

But, some 53 years later and here I am sentencing this trash to 1/10.
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