American Playhouse: The Killing Floor (1984)
Season 3, Episode 10
the killing floor
18 August 2022
Interesting, if uncinematic. Even if I hadn't known it was an episode from the 1970s/80s American Playhouse television series I still would have sniffed the somewhat musty odor of prestige tv with its uninspired back lot exteriors, over use of stock footage and superfluous narration, and, most "prestigiously" of all, a pushing of the verbal over the visual (as in too much "soapbox" speechifying). Best thing about it is the acting with Damien Leake, Moses Gunn, Alfre Woodard, Ernest Rayford and Mary Alice all delivering powerful, layered performances. And I always appreciate being reminded just how difficult it is to achieve economic and racial justice at the same time in this benighted country of ours. Give it a B minus.
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