Superman - meets Justice League - meets Pets - meets Paw Patrol - meets Toy Story 3 - meets Look Who's Talking Now - meets Pokemon
31 July 2022
FINAL TAKEAWAY: Overall #DCLeagueOfSuperPets gives Superman - meets Justice League - meets Pets - meets Paw Patrol - meets Toy Story 3 - meets Look Who's Talking Now - meets Pokemon

* * * Theme & Story: A- Pacing: A- Character: A Overall "Paper" Score: A

* * * Entertainment Factors General Public: Wait for Streaming Experience Seekers (via Visuals & Score): Don't Watch Animation Adventure/Action Fans: Wait for Streaming Anticipated Child Experience: Interesting Enough Overall "Viewing Experience" Score: Wait for Streaming

* * * What's crazy is that this film felt like an attack (LOL). Most recently, I've been joking with a few friends about how I feel like once they got beau'd up/re-beau'd up, they just pushed me aside. As the one person in my friend groups who has NEVER been in a relationship, I have years of experience observing and living through the ways my presence is called on by many people. However, this has never changed my loyalty to the time invested in building those friendships. Yeah, they may not call me for weeks or months because of how a love life can parallel park itself in a person's routines (and I may not do the same since I've developed a comfortability with being to myself), but when those shared moments reignite, I always make sure to make it seem like I'm picking us up from where we left off. And I think that's important.

Now outside of my personal connection, I found this movie to be cute and entertaining, but not something to spend theater money on. Additionally, I felt there was something interesting about my engagement/experience with the characters... There are adults who genuinely "get" young children, and have a way with engaging with this age group that's developmentally appropriate (like a balanced version of those over exaggerated pre-school/kindergarten teachers). Then there's the "uncle/auntie adults" who you can expect to say some over the head things to young children because they know they don't/won't "get it," but it's funny... That's how I felt about this overall cast of adults in this PG film. In other words, something about this film and the cast says it should've been PG-13; and they tiptoed the line which made moments feel like they'd have a tough time connecting with all PG audiences.

OTHER THOUGHTS: Highlights: Natasha Lyonne as Merton (and the damn cursing. I don't know if it was improved or not, but SO hilarious), Kate McKinnon as Lulu, Keanu Reeves as Batman, the overall animation, thematic followthrough, the Green Lantern representation, Whiskers, and the black kitten's line!

Could've Been Better: More depth to each of the main pets' story to elevate the overall story and thematic followthrough as well as provide some explanation for their existence, and a better way to show and indicate when Krypto gets "back to normal" because even though "Ace" alludes to how he we should know (and I knew/expected it), I never saw that "it" happen...and I didn't like that rushed turn of events.
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