cute series, but skewed depiction of depression
4 July 2022
Never watched Korean series but found it randomly and it is very interesting see the other cultures and how people are portrayed. Camera work, most characters and overall aesthetics are very good, I think much better than in most Hollywood movies that look cheesy. I don't know if I agree with the content though. I liked the main character at first, how she just walks alone and isn't really bothered by others or social norms. Sure, she could be more polite and say hello to people who greet her but being alone is completely okay, and other than rudeness, she is so cool at the beginning. I've always dreamed of living alone in a big city and not talking to the others, just observing and doing my own things. I also agree with a lot that she says at first, though they try to refute it later. But it is romantic movie, so it is expected she will find someone. One thing that really bothers me though is the psychologist. She is completely unprofessional, ignores her problems and talks about having boyfriend as if it would fix anything. This is the type of "wisdom" that people who have no idea of mental illnesses spread. Depression has nothing to do with boyfriend or friends, and it is sad it is depicted that way. What if untreated depression is the cause of not being interested in others? That psychologist makes things a lot worse. In real life, no one would let her practice or she would be sued. Really annoying character. I know it is a fantasy but young people watching this shouldn't get an idea that their depression will be cured by dating. Also, people can be depressed exactly because of social expectations, that they should date, even though they don't want to or are not ready for this. In that case, this psychologist would just aggravate the situation.
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