Dragon Knight (2022)
Is this a serious movie or a bad comedy? Make up your mind!
17 May 2022
Listen... I love a passion project and/or low budget film as much as the next viewer. You can tell there is decent production value & the cinematography was decent, but this is clearly where all of their budget went. The actors are truly atrocious. My non-paid actor friends that starred in my small YouTube zombie production could have done better.

What really took me out of the movie was when the whimsical bard music started playing around 7-8 minutes in and the goofy bartender boy starts following the extremely angry & always yelling "dragon knight." I was confused, first we have some dark serious intro scenes and a young girl is taken against her will, then moments later we're joking around with the goofy town boy like it's a comedy. Here lies the extreme importance of good screenplay writing & setting the tone and maintaining it. If you are going to interject humor into your film, especially one about knights, dragons, sorcery, and the like; then you need to do it very subtly. That is unless your movie truly is a comedy, which I'm not getting that this was the intention for this movie.

Perhaps vet your actors & have more casting calls because your main characters weren't very strong & barely even likeable. At 22 minutes in, I'm really struggling to identify w/ the dragon knight or the mystery archer. I'm trying here guys, it's just not there!

It was nice to see that they used practical effects where they could and didn't go overboard with the CGI.
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