Togetherness (2015–2016)
And a half
13 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If the husband wasn't soooo annoying I'd have given an 8 but 7s are also high for me. I passed by this many times but last night I did a search for similar shows and this came up as one. I had exhausted all the ones I had n the list so I started this. Let me tell you I must have liked it enough because the HBO max app kept doing that oops thing( does it like 4 times a night recently) and anyone who knows what a PIA that is to get out of and back to whatever you were watching so I must have liked it. I didn't realize Mellaie Lynsky's in it. She usually plays the same ole but here I really liked her( she does the best American accent) tho I'd love to see her in some NZ shows. Everyone is decent in this but I could not stand the husband character. Tho SPOILERS He was hilarious in the episode where he drank " the tea' and video calls Alex. I had to play that over a few times. I know I'm somewhere on season 2 I had to stop after the husband has a breakdown. I know there isn't many episodes left so I'll probably finish tonight. Give it a shot if you like drama/comedies where everyone's basically a total mess and trying to figure their lives/ purpose out. Can be very Poignant at times.
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