Review of The Strain

The Strain (2014–2017)
Fun distraction until Doc's son killed it
24 April 2022
Its always the little boy character that has to ruin everything by opening the wrong door, running for mommy, ignoring all common sense and behaving like an overgrown toddler. Always. Like its a law in Hollywood. From Star Trek Discovery's "Burn" to this. Its always the boy.

Young female characters are usually smartypants until they become teens, then they run upstairs to "hide" from the killer and get murdered. Can we please have an intelligent boy character once in a while who isn't a complete wimp?

In other news, vampire apocalypse in New York! And only New York. This is the first apocalypse movie/show I've seen without the U. S. Army swooping in immediately, usually to get their asses kicked, but still. Somehow thousands of people getting sucked dry and turning into undead creatures doesn't bother anyone outside New York.

Everyone is out for their own gain. People dying left and right, this sounds like a great time to make a quick buck! Reminded me a lot of "Luke Cage", where in a world of superheros and alien invasions the people of Harlem continued to play "Who is the pettiest crime lord of all" as if nothing happened.

Anyway, The Strain was cute for a while, but the complete lack of common sense (Army takeover) and the really, *really* stupid boy ruined it for me.
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