Grotesque (1988)
A fitting title, but not in a good way
7 April 2022
This has to be one of the most bizarre and stupidest movies I've ever seen, I mean what the hell were the filmmakers going for with this confusing mess (I suspect drugs were involved). The plot centres on a family and the daughter's friend taking a vacation at a cabin in the mountains where soon a gang of crazed punks breaks into their home and slaughters the entire family, except for one hell-bent on finding the supposed secret stash which turns out to be something more than they've bargained for.

On paper the movie might sound like an interesting concept with the director and writers not keeping the story within one horror subgenre as it starts as a home invasion flick, then morphs into a slasher movie and then it turns into a revenge flick towards the end. All of these elements might sound like it's a unique combination of styles, but in fact it's a muddled mess with these abrupt changes becoming more jarring than interesting.

Everything's just half-baked in this horrible mess of a movie, even the twist which in the hands of more capable filmmakers could have worked. Despite having several familiar faces in the cast such as Linda Blair whose charm couldn't save this mess, Donna Wilkes, Tab Hunter and Robert Z'Dar, each of them deserve far better than this. The overacting by the supposed punks isn't entertaining enough for me to sit through this ever again.

Overall 'Grotesque', well it's a fitting title as everything about this fits that title, but not in a good way.
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