Decent indi horror with flaws
7 April 2022
This by far is not the worst indi horror I have ever seen. It was not perfect but had potential and overall was entertaining.

The pacing was a bit off and dragged at points, over all a slow burn to say the least. However, it was still engaging and I didn't feel bored at any point but it could have been picked up a bit. There was no real reason for it to be as long as it was.

The acting overall was a bit of a let down. Not horrible or distracting by anymeans, just not really great. The main girl was close for me, but just didn't quite connect the way I wanted her to.

I also feel like while the story was interesting and intriguing, they could have fleshed it out a little better. Not everything has to be spoonfed, but there were multiple times where it was a tad confusing and I just had to infer that's what they meant by something instead of being sure.

I rate this a 4.5 which I would normally round to a 5 but in this case a 4 feels more accurate. However, I would still recommend if you're not going to be super picky and enjoy indi horror.
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