Review of Blotto

Blotto (1930)
While the UNTOUCHABLES teach viewers that it's . . .
31 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
. . . foolish to bring a knife to a shoot-out, BLOTTO reveals a more fundamental dictum: NEVER bring a bottle of tea to a gunfight! As Stan's wife fires multiple shotgun blasts at the vehicle carrying Stan and two other dudes at the close of BLOTTO, this hen-pecked husband doesn't have so much as the empty tea bottle with which to fight back against this flagrant example of spouse abuse. Mrs. Laurel is a total sociopath, dragging her firearm into a speakeasy at the height of Prohibition. All Second Amendment supporters realize that bullets and booze don't mix well, which is why they passed another amendment to ban beer, wine and liquor in the first place. So as you're drinking your next tea, please remember to support your local chapter of BANGS (Broke Americans Need Gun Stamps).
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