Did you all feel my giant eye roll?
20 March 2022
The Adam Project isn't a good movie. I knew it wouldn't be going into it, but it looked like it would at least be mindless fun.

For starters, its a Netflix original content project, so there's strike one.

The cgi is laughably bad. People, Jurrasic Park came out almost 30 years ago. Why is there still substandard cgi in our movies?

The writing and story are almost absent. Young Adam buys in way to quickly and easily. The relationship between old Adam and Gamora has no foundation and we feel nothing for her loss.

And can we give it a break with time travel as an element of story telling? I don't believe its possible or will ever be realized, but all it serves as in movies is plot convenience. At least Terminator and Back to the Future had respect for the topic while they played with it.

With all of that said, it is just a movie and Ryan Reynolds is still enjoyable, but this movie lost me with one line.

Kathy Keener's character when talking to her younger self refers to our current environment as toast.

For the love of God, will people in the news media, government, and our entertainment media shut the hell up about how doomed the environment is? If people want to start being stewards of our planet, then start acting like it. But put up or shut up.

I don't think I can stand to hear another woke ass bit of preachy liberal dialogue in our various forms of entertainment media. Make an entertaining product without telling us what to think or how to feel. If you do want to force an agenda, then make a documentary and see how few people come to watch.

When I stop seeing trash all over the sides of the roads and littering parks and shopping areas, I'll start listening to people crying about our doomed planet. When I stop seeing people racing to be the first to have the biggest house or the newest car or the latest technology or seeing every single damn human walking around like a zombie with their face glued to a phone screen, then maybe I'll believe that I live on a planet inhabited by people who actually do care about the environment. In the mean time, we're all a bunch of self righteous hypocrites and some of us think we need to tell everyone else how bad we're treating our home. Fine, preach away. Just don't do it within the scope of my time of relaxation and attempted enjoyment.

Damn it anyway.
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