Hargrave (2020)
If I learned anything from Hargrave...
7 March 2022
It's that apparently you can film and edit an entire tv show on an iPhone.

I'm assuming the iPhone in question wasn't purchased specifically to shoot this series, as that would have taken the budget to the heady heights of including three digits.

The colour space, obviously meant to be "noir" jumped about all over the place, one frame it's a desaturated b/w, then suddenly there are hints of colour, and then suddenly a sepia.

These issues paled into insignificance compared to the scriptwriting and acting, both of which were just appalling. I really cannot convey just how dire both the script and the delivery are.

All in all, Hargrave has to be possibly the most amateurish rubbish I have ever had the misfortune to sit through, it really is just appallingly bad.
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