WOW! Seriously, wow... Extremely mysterious and intriguing, but ultimately very abstract and may annoy those who like a tidy ending (or any explanation at all... 😁)
20 February 2022
Whew... I just this minute finished watching this. This is one of those odd films that takes many twists and turns, but doesn't clearly explain everything. First and foremost, this is a Mystery. Period. If you like a movie that really, REALLY draws you in and truly keeps you wondering what the HELL is going to happen next, this is for you.

This is one of those films where although in its execution it does come across as a fairly 'normal' movie, but as it gradually takes you down the rabbit hole, along with the main protagonist, you really begin to wonder what is behind all of this. And remember, this is all started by just a chance circumstance where this fellow whose job it is to transfer video cassettes randomly happens across this odd pirate signal in one of the many mundane broadcasts that he is copying from many years previously.

So, for such an odd, completely random event to draw him and us the audience into this mysterious labyrinth trying to find out what is going on, is in and of itself a bit of a mind-blower. Let me tell you, what happens next and the events that follow will challenge your mind's elasticity. Heh... I know I'm kind of building this up somewhat, because just the overall impact of it is so strange and unsettling. But, the actual progression of events take place, at least at first, just like a 'normal' mystery... That is, until you get to the end, but of course we are not going to talk about that 😊

The acting is okay, it gets the job done and is sufficient. Without giving anything away, I will say that I felt the fellow connected to the storage unit was absolutely THE best actor here by far. It was a small scene, but he frigg'n NAILED it! The technical merits are fine and everything as far as the actual filmmaking is done competently. It's just the frigg'n STORY that ultimately grabs you by the nether regions and smacks you around until you wonder what the HELL just happened!

I personally really liked the ultimate abstract nature of the story, even though it leaves you hanging 7 different way from Sunday (is that even an expression...?) and leaves many, MANY loose ends. BUT... for many people, I can see where like some of the other reviewers have stated in their titles here, it may just seem like 'nothing is happening' or that things don't seem to make sense. And, I can see where many probably will not care for that. But, I would say that, again, first and foremost, if you like a really intriguing mystery, and you don't mind a bit of a trip through the Looking Glass that ultimately and quite literally leaves you out on an unknown road somewhere, you might actually find this movie as unsettling and intriguing as I did.
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