It's -well- different
18 January 2022
Let's get it out - it's not MCU, DC, PIXAR or any other Attention deficit disorder production, filled with shaky cam, jump cuts, explosions, P. C. or Woke characters, desperately trying to mimic the last blockbuster that attracted the attention of the muggles.

So if you don't like this - congrats - you're one of those muggles for whom Wholly Weird, et al, make ugly radio.

I'm reminded of the snark, "It's French, don't try to explain it..." No bombastic eye tearing state of the art CGI - just a story. A story with a humble moral : don't jump to conclusions before you get to the end of the story.

It's not "Fantastic Planet" - but it has its own internal logic. I rather enjoyed it, and that's all one can expect - entertainment.
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