Thousand Fangs (2021– )
Not for everyone, but arthouse-horror / foreign indie fans will find it orgasmic
7 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Mil Colmillos is a unique experience in a sea of contrived zombie and spectral scares. It doesn't have a consistent pacing, but it has a consistent palpable tension wrought with dread thanks to an excellent direction of photography and sound that really captures the mystery and sense of terror that only being trapped deep within a bloodthirsty wilderness can conjure/evoke. The show's first two episodes will definitely hook almost everyone who watches them, but then there's a definite lull in action sequences until episode 5 when it takes the action / violence of the first 2 episodes and gives it a hormone shot.

There's also the fact that the plot is far from spoonfed. There's actually two separate timelines occuring on screen simultaneously--the modern-day commandos battling the horrors of the bush, and what appears to be conquistadors or some kind of exploration party from the 17th-19th century trying to navigate and escape the tunnel system below the jungle that the enemy forces occupy. Then there's a seemingly immortal cult leader/demigod and a 'sickness' he uses to control people by turning them into frenzied psycopaths (ala 28 Days Later) who transcends both timelines and unites them by being the common enemy of both groups. The best way I can describe this movie is as a mixture of Predator (original), Apocalypse Now/The Heart of Darkness, and that one gore-porn movie by Eli Roth about the airplane crash survivors that are ensnared and subsequently cannibalized by an indigenous population (the movie's name escapes me atm).

The cinematography and dark, moody synth/string-based score for the show are all masterclass and do just as much for building your sense of unease as much as the horrifying, confusing plot does for creeping you out.

I really enjoyed this show despite its various flaws and lack of overall clarity. It's definitely an original twist on the whole plague and zombies cliche niche in survival horror and it definitely left me craving another season. But it's lack of advertising and overall lack of internet presence (and other media presence) has me almost convinced that we won't be getting anymore episodes in the future. One can hope, though!
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