1 January 2022
Obvious, I love it. Because it preserves all flavors of my childhood . Because it is that kind of Christmas films proposing self rediscover. An elf looking for know the people. A Santa having not the most charming experiences with humans. A boy and his father, exploring, together, a fantastic world. A skeptical mother. The grandparends reminding, in some measure, the grandpa of Heidi. And a lot of adventures.

I do not know what can propose/ suggest this film to a Western / American public. For me, it was a fine resurrection of memories about Arabella, Polish animation, Soviet fairy tales adaptations.

Sure, a lot of unrealistic situations ( the turn of mother can be the first ) and flaws. But it is a profound charming film. This is its basic trait, most important fact and the feelings after final credits are the best. And the young Dawid propose a great role, reminding, in fair way, the unique maturity and wisdome of children.
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