Greetings from Iran. Sorry, but this is not the Matrix we all loved and cherished
28 December 2021
One third of this movie had a comedic tone to it. It might have been called the Great Gatsby with flamboyant people and flashy colors and I wouldn't have been able to tell the difference. You take the green tint and depressing colors from the Matrix and fill it with scenes full of sunshine, and you're left with a movie that does not deserve to be called the Matrix. And your excuse is what? That it's a "new version" of the Matrix? Don't tell me the characters would've been able to tell the difference between reality and a simulation if the machines had used the same greenish colors all over again, because they couldn't have told the difference.

Neo looked old. Trinity had a lot of wrinkles and was no longer attractive. Therefore, I could care less if two oldies reunited or not. Nairobi looked plain awful. The oracle was not there. Agent Smith totally lacked his menacing appearance and tone of voice. He was sarcastic and looked like a character straight out of a comedy film. Movie studios have the technology to recreate characters that can no longer act, like what they did to Paul Walker in Fast and Furious after his death. They could've done that with Morpheus and Agent Smith as well; the two most iconic characters in the Matrix. The new characters didn't have that Matrix feel to them. The special effects didn't look half as impressive as they did in the first three movies. I did not enjoy this movie at all. This was a cash-grab and I hope movie studios would just leave iconic movies alone. I'm going to pretend as if this movie never existed. The Matrix is a great, and as this pathetic excuse for a movie proved, an unrepeatable "trilogy".
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