Too Big to Fail (2011 TV Movie)
Delivers the Nuts and Bolts
16 December 2021
"Too Big To Fail" was an incredible production. With the help of some big Hollywood names HBO Films took a massively complex catastrophe and framed it where financially and politically illiterate people like myself could understand. While the documentary "Inside Job" approached the '08 housing and financial collapse more comprehensively, and "Margin Call" approaches it from the moments before, "Too Big To Fail" looks at the bustling hours and days of the collapse and the moves made to stave off a full scale disaster. The movie is go go go. There's no time for exposition, no time for character development, no time for violins; they barely notched out any time to explain what happened. With a lesser movie, or a movie of lesser significance, these could be looked at as negatives. With this movie I think the audience was glad to eschew dramatic build up, character development, Chekov's gun, and all the other theatrical devices. Get to the nitty gritty. Who did what and why, and how did the Congress come to the decision it made? "Too Big To Fail" delivers the nuts and bolts promptly, succinctly, and effectively.
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