Camille (1936)
Greta Garbo's Greatest Performance? Well, i might have second thoughts but Greatest Role? You have my Vote. Camille may lack intelligence but it's surely a Timeless Love Saga!
4 December 2021
Camille (1936) : Brief Review -

Greta Garbo's Greatest Performance? Well, i might have second thoughts but Greatest Role? You have my Vote. Camille may lack intelligence but it's surely a Timeless Love Saga! I must say that Camille finds an intermediate point between two ends of criticism- Underrated and Overrated. If I say that film is not that great then it would feel underrated, and if I say that it's too good then it would seem like an overrated piece. I wasn't expecting much from the film but I must say that it has surpassed my personal expectations. It's a regular story filled with soapy elements but it is definitely a sensible and heart touching film somewhere towards the end. The beginning is terrible though. I was losing all the faith in the first half but it turned the entire picture into positive one in the second half. A Parisian courtesan must choose between the young man who loves her and the callous baron who wants her, even as her own health begins to fail. If I have to point out faults, then I would say the entire first half is immaturely written. Maybe, I don't know why, but almost 90% romantic films are not that smart. Not every film can be intelligent like 'Sunrise' (1927) or 'Casablanca' (1942), and even bringing these two film in comparison with others is not fair so let's just skip that part. I believe, the romantic films are meant to be little dumb so it's fair if it doesn't make much sense unless it drags too much. Camille drags too much in the first half with all three characters behaving childishly but I'm glad that it recovered from it and became a matured child in the second half. Garbo is phenomenal, perhaps, her greater role in my opinion until i find a better one. Robert Taylor is charming, Henry Deniell is fantastic in his role and Jessie Ralph, Laura Crews and Lenore Unric add some vital fun. Inconsistent George Cukor scores higher marks than what i expected, maybe that's why i call him inconsistent and unpredictable. Overall, a very good attempt in typical 'Love-story' club.

RATING - 7/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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