No it's not as good as the first film, but as far as sequels go it isnt bad either
23 November 2021
I rewatched this film recently as well as its predecessor and although the first film is superior in many ways, many people forget that there have been way, way worse sequels out there than this. Even the franchise's next installment Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves was much inferior to this.

This sequel is more targeted for smaller children than its predecessor was. Although its predecessor was a family film it had some more mature themes as well as moments that were intense.

Enlarging a toddler doesnt have the same comedic possibilities of shrinking four kids like its predecessor did but this is still an entertaining movie in it's own right.

The possibilities of what an enlarged toddler would do invading the streets of Las Vegas probably could have been explored a little bit more but what's on the screen are great special effects and performances as well as time catching up with the characters we loved in the first film.

The other thing is this movie was not supposed to originally be a sequel to its predecessor. It was supposed to be a standalone film about a giant baby from a freak accident. But when the first film became a smash, it would only make sense to re-write that concept as a sequel.

Rick Moranis is delightful as always, and his older son this time has a bit more personality than in the previous film. His daughter only appears briefly at the beginning before going off to college.

Lloyd Bridges offers solid support as the owner of the labs where Moranis works and brings a very welcome presence and this was also Keri Russell's first film and she offers good support as well.

And like its predecessor the special effects are amazing. Even for 1992 they are well done and hold up well in the present day.

If you like the great Rick Moranis whom we haven't seen in years (although we will see him again soon when this franchise's reboot entitled Shrunk hits theaters), or if you liked the first film you should enjoy this film also, although it is more juvenile in tone and humor than its predecessor it's still a lot of fun.

Remember it's a sequel. Everyone involved with or who saw Honey, I Shrunk the Kids I am pretty sure knew this was going to be a small step down in quality.

But that doesnt make it a bad movie. It's still a great childhood movie you can show your kids and have a good time.

Stream it on Disney Plus enjoy some nostalgia, dont compare it to its predecessor and you should have some fun.
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