CHEER! - (7 stars out of 10)
22 November 2021
The stage curtains open ...

Based on the novel of the same name by William Lindsay Gresham, "Nightmare Alley", starring Tyrone Power, caused quite the buzz upon its release back in 1947, and not all of it was good. Even so, Power lobbied for the movie to be made so that he could star in it - and it became his personal favorite film in which he had been involved with. It wasn't your typical film noir, but has since become to be regarded as a classic.

It is the story of the rise and fall of Stanton Carlisle (Power), who has humble beginnings as a carnival showman, or "barker", as they were called back in those days. He has a flirtatious relationship with Mademoiselle Zeena, a self-proclaimed mystery woman with mental powers - a ruse that her and her husband had worked up using a special code which allowed her to seem clairvoyant. But when her husband dies, she teaches Stanton how it works until they have a falling out, and he uses it to become "The Great Stanton", where he enamors audiences of great numbers in night clubs with his astounding mental powers. However, everything comes at a price.

This was an interesting film. It certainly wasn't what I expected. I went into it envisioning another "Night and the City" type of fare, but instead was given this. I can understand why it performed poorly at the box office, and where the criticisms came from. It seemed to infer, that if you "reach too high" and try to become godlike, then you are doomed to become lower than human - a "geek", as it were. I had to laugh at the use of this caricature. Today, a geek is typically associated with being nerdy or tech savvy. Back then, it meant you were an abomination - an eye sore of society.

For my part, I did enjoy "Nightmare Alley". It was different, well acted, and enjoyable. I don't necessarily agree with the underlying tones or suggestive biblical subtleties, but as a story, it was engaging. I would recommend this one at 7 stars out of 10 - and I am very interested in seeing what direction the upcoming new remake will take us.
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