One of the most ridiculous films I've seen in quite some time
1 October 2021
A pretentious soap-opera like teen drama that feels like it has been written by a 5 year old- Black as Night manages to be unconvincing and unoriginal on so many levels despite so much potential. I knew absolutely nothing about this movie going in, and yet I still feel disappointed with it now that it's done. This film is an absolute disaster. The acting is over the top, the dialogue is atrocious, the plot is all over the place and full of plot holes, and the film itself is just so dang messy. It has some interesting concepts along the way, but unfortunately it does absolutely nothing with them, and instead becomes some sort of buffy knockoff with absolutely no charm whatsoever. I wanted to like this movie, I tried to like this movie, but it was honestly painfully bad to watch at times. I physically cringed at a number of scenes, and it's clear that whoever made this film had no idea where they wanted to go with it. Although it may not be based on a book or a remake of a horror film from the past, Black as Night is about as unoriginal as it comes. It tries too hard and fails just the same, it's a nightmare to watch, and not in a good way.

My Rating: 1.1/10.
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