The Torture Chamber of Dr Sadism
10 September 2021
Count Regula (Christopher Lee) is torn apart by horses as punishment for torturing and murdering 12 virgin girls. 35 years later his curse is being fulfilled as he returns to seek out a thirteenth virgin (Karin Dor, fresh off being eaten by Piranhas in You Only Live Twice). Hunk and ex Tarzan Lex Barker is the hero coming to her rescue, taking on Regula and his minions.

Based on The Pit and the Pendulum and despite its subtle title, this isn't a half bad Poe adaptation. Lee is sinister and miserable with Barker, hunky and rather convincing in the lead. It is inventive and often quite tense as Barker and co navigate Regula's castle and its perfectly well acted with some interesting Bavarian sets. In the minus column, Carl Lange puts in a ridiculously over the top, lousy performance as Regula's assistant and the soundtrack is bizarre often sounding like it belongs to a British comedy show. 60s horror fans should not miss this.
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