What a mess...
9 September 2021
The ratings and reviews here at imdb are a joke and must have been the director's family and friends registering from different email addresses at imdb. The big hint is not that the reviews are stellar but that they are short, refer to nothing in specific terms and there are only 14 of them as of three years after the release. Fourteen, count 'em. And of 542 ratings, 89.3% are 10's and 9's??? I mean... the 10's and 9's for Schindler's List added up to 68.9%. Another hint: the highest ratings were left by the under-18 years old group.

The acting is infantile and insulting to the viewer but maybe the director should take a lot of the blame for that. Even a complete juvenile amateur would have felt ashamed to have directed those actors the way these were, and to have left the garbage takes in the movie. On the other hand, had he left the garbage takes out of the movie there would have been no movie...

The choice of camera angles and lenses were made by somebody who was unaware that his takes were later to be edited together in continuity. Also, the cinematographer should take classes on composition and the use of extreme wide-angle lenses. Did they shoot this film with a smartphone? (that was a real question seriously asked by my wife while we were watching). Someone should point out to them that the credit should read "Cinematographer" or "Director of Photography", not "Director of Cinematography". I must congratulate the Assistant Director and the Second Assistant Director for finding their titles in fortune cookies at the end-of-shoot celebratory Chinese takeout.

There is nothing that could be seriously said about this movie except perhaps that my wife and I were convinced we were watching a first semester Film School project until we realized it was not that but was supposed to be an actual movie.

The premise and plot could have actually made a very good movie. If they were explored at all. The story was good. But in this movie it is completely lost in the mayhem of Direction and Cinematography. I am not blaming the Editor because he obviously had nothing to work with -the cutting room floor must be wet with his tears.

OK, I'll say something nice: The front and end title sequences were very nicely done. What's between them, though, is a complete waste of time.

IMDB should do a better job of controlling the ratings and reviews when they are so glaringly false and a put-up promotional job.
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