Review of Worth

Worth (2020)
4 September 2021
A new movie on Netflix where Michael Keaton offered to be the bad guy in one of the worst time period in US, thinking that he was making a difference.

I don't know anything about this situation, nor do I understand all the terms used in this movie. Because of this, I only judge the movie for what was on the screen.

Wow this was an impactful movie. Our main character, played by Michael Keaton, was portrayed as a proud but awkward man when it comes to interacting with others. The way he reacted and responded to some characters baffled me and was just awkwardly hilarious. It was a journey for him to properly sympathize and empathize.

This was where the complicated stuff came in. Each side, the victim's loved ones and the law firm, had their own situations and valid reasonings for their goals. It clearly wasn't an easy situation for the firm and Michael Keaton's character, and I myself wasn't sure what I would have done if I was in his shoe. Although this complexed situation changed the main character, at the end it wasn't entirely clear how exactly he solved the situation. I wasn't 100% convinced of the transition.

However, another great aspect from the movie was that the writer and director paid respect to the victims by spending a large chunk of the runtime dedicating to individual stories. Some were honestly heartbreaking. I'm glad that I was able to listen to the whole stories from many people.

Overall, great performance and complexed arguments made for a deep and impactful movie. 8.5/10.
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