This is cinema...and let me explain!
26 August 2021
Historically we can say that cinema is the tip if the iceberg at arts. It all started from the greek tragedy and in the recent 200 years it developped to opera and theater before cinema starts to pop out 50 years ago as an extension of those arts. In fact opera was considered by many the greatest form of art because u could combine each of the 6 arts in 1 big creation that Wagner called drama. Each one holds an equal amount of significance and was taken equally into account in order to evaluate the drama-opera. For example music was as important or more as the plot.

In the big screen some rules may have changed like actors dont have to speak loud or sing but there are general criteria that have formed over the 200 years of what is acceptable and what is not, and most of them applying to the cinema. Basically im saying that 90% of the people who gived low rating to this movie dont have the capacity to evaluate this kind of filmmaking since it has elements of older crafts, like Wagners drama

Other issue is that the dominance of series in our days did massive damage to films because people compare those 2 applying the same principles. In a series the most important factor is the plot because it follows a story. In the movie thats not the case. Movie is art and art is expression, its a feeling , its nature, a subconsious message that may trigger some buttons at our brain that we cant explain, and thats ok.

Today we want everything oversimplified, the food in our plate, comfort, entertainment. We reject something that makes us feel discomfort, the unpleasant, weird. In the world that made the most of progress at explaining everything we hate when we cant understand something, when its out of our comfort zone. However this is when magic happens. These kind of movies you have to feel them, not watching with pythagorian logic, not trying to force reason inside them.

I m not saying this movie is good or bad yet im sure that the music is legendary and every frame could be set as wallpaper. Its different from everything i ve ever seen and deserves a proper audience, not some people who were bragging in the reviews about how they left the cinema in the middle of the movie (propably to continue scrolling on instagram), saying that they wasted their PRECIOUS time that they waste in rubbish anyway.

Those should go home and get hyped about the next spiderman. Doc Ock is returning after 17 years to steal your money. Sheeps... make lines!
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