All The Marbles Is Still The Best
19 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When I watched this the first time I came to three conclusions:1. Warner Bros was in holding this in the vault for six years as it would've been laughed at and out of the theaters.2.A movie "So bad it's good".and 3. A grim reminder of what happens when you let women into women's wrestling based more on looks than actual skill. Rosa Rubinsky here is a major departure from her book counterpart in "To Smithereens."She's not a laid back type who's got layers. Rather she seems more like a nervous nellie type who makes only one expression for most of the movie until she wins her debut match which is the main event of the movie too. The other women wrestlers were so bland that you'll forget who's who in mere seconds. The only one who stands out is Jane O'Brien as Terrible Tommy Dukes. The movie should've focused on her as an ex con getting out of prison and going into wrestling. Let's face it,it's hard to believe a barely five feet tall,100 lb woman could wrestle and beat a more experienced woman wrestler who outsizes and outweighs her. This all aside I still find it amusing enough to recommend for the sake of Tommy wrestling Princess War Star,a real wrestler like O'Brien and the main event. It's a movie good for some laughs which we all need nowadays.
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