26 June 2021
First off dont go watching it if you want to see a lot of Godzilla action. He is in it like for 1-5 min at most (yes all 13 episodes included.) in fact they could just rename the whole series to Jet Jaguar's adventures or Jet Jaguar Singular Point. Too much sciense talk, which you dont mind at first because you think you'll see some action towards the end but then after midway through the series you realize its all there is to this anime. All talk no action. I dont need some super calculater of whatever to know disaster is coming when Godzilla is plowing through the city. Even at the end you expect some epic clash between the title character and Jet Jaguar but you never get it. Characters are somewhat likable (AI was the cutest.) plot was.... waaay over my head which I stopped trying to make sense of it after a while. Every cool thing a sci fi nerd would like is in this anime: Time Travel (not like an actual time travel but sending information back in forth in time) and Kaijus what more could you want right? But it does nothing with it. Try watching your favorite godzilla movie and time travel movie at the same time you'll have much better time and it will hurt your head less. I only give it 5 because of its opening theme.
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