Patient 62 (2016)
Bloody awful
23 June 2021
Former provincial premier, Brad Wall, must have had visions of this movie being made that resulted him ending the Film Tax Credit and killing the film industry in Saskatchewan where this...piece of work...was made.

Reece Wagner, the primary protagonist, is painful to watch. His acting is bloated and smug. The guy himself is pretty smug and self important as he makes the most ignorant comments on Facebook. But he knows everything because he was on this movie and pretty important now.

Glenn Lapointe is so overly dramatic and laughable. Unfortunately, the guy also alienated himself to anybody and everybody everywhere he went because all he did was talk about this movie...that nobody cared about or lost interest in because he talked their ears off about it.

Tyler W. Toppings. Lol. All those initials are missing is a vowel...pick one...a or an I.

The girl in the movie, Anna Seibel and the other girl, Christy Mozyliskywere the only watchable people.

Skip this movie...or do tequila shots every tine you roll your eyes at something in the movie.
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