Review of Plan B

Plan B (II) (2021)
Very funny
30 May 2021
No girl, that's not how you use the male anatomy figure from your textbook.

So if Never Rarely Sometimes Always is a comedy, this is it. I legit could have just given this movie a 10 because the characters actually watch anime. One of them wanted to binge Boku no Hero and the other was a Cowboy Bebop person. This was quite unprecedented, and it filled me with joy.

So after an unwanted sex, an Indian girl with her best friend embarked on a trip to get the morning after pill. I had a great time with this movie. The story was not new, as there were typical plot points that these kinds of comedy have. However, the comedy was relentless. I was laughing at the sexual innuendos and metaphors for most of the runtime.

The main duo had great chemistry. The way they talked and acted around each other sold me that they were best friends.

There was one scene that became pretty extreme, but still quite hilarious. It might be uncomfortable for some, and I did not expect this movie to go for this.

My major problem was that the end was pretty cheesy, and didn't have as strong of an impact, considering how hilarious it was before. It also felt kinda preachy.

Overall, a entertaining coming-of-age comedy with many great jokes. Watch it on Hulu. 8.5/10.
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