One of the Best Film Adaptations of a Book
29 May 2021
My rating is primarily based on the absolute faithful adherence to the book. Granted, not all books are as easily translated into film but this is a book/film-lover's dream come true.

It should be said I can understand how much of the film will not resonate with those who have not read the novel. I can understand how it might leave one cold (no pun intended) if they haven't read the book. But for any lover of the book, this is a must-watch.

Too often we are disappointed in the film adaptation of a book. For example, the most recent adaptation of Fahrenheit 451 is a travesty (and I suspect purposefully so). The original film from the 60's wasn't that great either but it wasn't an outright violation of the sensibilities. To completely and purposefully misrepresent and distort the works of great books by vomiting forth some cinematic garbage that has nothing to do (or worse, the opposite to do) with the writer's message is at best opportunistic for a quick buck and at worst an attempt at revisionist history via the nullification of great works of timeless art.

So impressed I was with this film (available on Youtube) that I had to write this review immediately after watching it. As far as I know, it is not a film that is even available on DVD. It breaks my heart that it isn't more available and wide-spread. I suspect the commies had a lot to do with keeping it suppressed.

Anyway, if you are at all interested in viewing this excellent film, 90% of its enjoyment comes from having read the book first. PLEASE read the book before watching the film because it will mean SO much more. If you watch the film before reading the book you will be doing yourself a great, GREAT disservice.
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