Remarkable Cast, Directing and Story
17 May 2021
There are dozens of time travel movies out there and most are OK to watch, with few as entertaining as "The Butterfly Effect" and a few, such as "Fate" with a good story and fair cast that just leaves it "OK."

This one defies all the stereotypes and would be a complete muddle if it were not for a seasoned cast expertly directed and a sprinkling throughout of memorable lines.

Visual effects help to enhance what the main character is dealing with and each actor is given space to shine in their respective roles, large and small. Their training and experience is obvious.

This ain't Time Cop or 12 Monkeys. It has an art house feel to it, but again the actors carry it very well. I liked it so much that I bought it after watching it for free I bought a copy to be sure I had one to keep. BRAVO to all involved, actors, director, sound and visual artists. Great job, perhaps even one could say inspired.
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