Misleading title but worth a look regardless
5 May 2021
No valley and no zombies, at least not in the traditional sense. Instead we get a creepy character (played by an actor who doesn't look very different from Boris Karloff) called Ormand Murks. He had been committed to a lunatic asylum several years beforehand and had died there. However he comes back from the dead, but rather as a zombie he is a non neck biting vampire who needs blood to stay "alive". He is quite good value, skulking around in his top hat and cape, looking more like a phantom. There are a few good spooky scenes but the film also plays for laughs. There is a lot of wit in the dialogue, for example when two cops investigate some night time grave digging one cop asks "What do you suppose he was doing?", his colleague replies "Well he wasn't digging for potatoes!" At just under an hour Valley makes a fairly enjoyable watch for those who enjoy old black and white B movies.
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