Community (2009–2015)
I now have an attachment towards the characters of this show
24 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I started watching Community on a whim, and let me tell you, Season 1 and 2 blew me away, I was slightly disappointed with Season 3 though it still held its ground in terms of silliness and originality. Season 4 was, like Season 3, worse than its previous Season, but still pretty decent. Then came Season 5, probably my least favourite of the Seasons, In my honest opinion I think this show would've benefitted more by only having 4 Seasons, but I'm not complaing with the 2 Seasons we got, just that it's worse than the first 4 Seasons, but that doesn't make it bad. Season 5 was my least favourite since 3 main characters disappeared with it, well, Shirley didn't disappear as she made a couple of cameos in Season 6, but the point is 3 pivotal characters were off the show, always leaving me with a slight feeling that something is missing since then. They tried multiple times to replace the original characters, and made one valiant attempt since they are all good additions, but none of them truly feels like the original group: Jeff, Annie, Troy, Pierce, Abed, Britta, Shirley and even Chang. I love them all, The old white guy in Season 5 (forgot his name sorry) was only there for 1 season then also strangely disappeared, then came an old black dude to repplace him in Season 6 (also forgot his name sorry) and also left us near the end of the season, luckily Frankie (character introduced into the group at the beginning of the Season) remained for the entire Season. This show made me feel many emotions, mostly by the cast leaving one by one, but also due to the onscreen drama and chemistry. I wish that Jeff and Annie ended up together but I read somewhere that the writers didn't want them to be together because of their age, so they basically gave us false hope then squandered it by making Jeff older all of a sudden, and acting like it's disgusting to have someone in his mid 30s (then 40 after the change), date someone in their early 20s. This wouldn't bother me as much if they didn't also write an episode where Garett literally marries his first cousin, which I wouldn't have minded if this wasn't ironic, they didn't want to create a couple where the age gap is big but went for an incestuous relationship...okay. Besides this small thing I really like the show. Annie is probably my favourite, then Abed, then Jeff etc. But I love them all alot. Final verdict 7.5/10. Season 1=9/10 Season 2=9/10 Season 3=7.5/10 Season 4=7/10 Season 5=6/10 Season 6=6.5/10.
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