Review of Decrypt

The Good Doctor: Decrypt (2021)
Season 4, Episode 10
Why do shows like this do tech so poorly
1 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Overall, I like the show, but it feels all over the place.

This episode was just too stupid silly.

The tech plot in this episode is ridiculous. There is so much more than just the fact that the hospitals systems are down and data is inaccessible.

An IT Director of a major hospital isn't a high level security engineer / penetration tester likely capably of the complexities of reverse engendering malware encrypted files. They are primarily a department head and leader dealing with day to day logistics of tech along side a CIO, CTO, etc. etc.

Where is the IT team? Network Admin... Security Admin... anyone.. Why is Lea in the serer room? Because it looks cool??? She doesn't even look like she has patched into any equipment on that laptop. That room would be rather loud in real life.

I'm going to skip over dozens of other stupid things, but Lea should lose her job period. She appears to be the highest ranking IT employee for the hospital and Malware breached the hospital network for months unnoticed. There would have to be so much data forensics done to discover what PHI could have been breached.

Getting off the tech rant. So the writers thought that it would be a good idea to have a former Chief of Surgery and President of the Hospital disregard patient confidentiality. He completely disregards HIPAA and discloses PHI to the press. Wow. That is actually worse than what the guy he exposed did.

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